This photo is how my face appears today. Muscle function has returned to almost normal in the lip so it elevates into a smile rather than a sneer. Little by little improvement is occurring. I went to Arlberg Sports today to purchase a new ski helmet so I'll be ready come March 31 to head up to Mission Ridge and enjoy a little spring skiing. I now consider a helmet a very worthwhile insurance investment. I am grateful to be alive and grateful that for many years I've worn a helmet while skiing. I never thought I would need its protection, but glad I had it when I needed it!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Pruning Ninja!
This photo is how my face appears today. Muscle function has returned to almost normal in the lip so it elevates into a smile rather than a sneer. Little by little improvement is occurring. I went to Arlberg Sports today to purchase a new ski helmet so I'll be ready come March 31 to head up to Mission Ridge and enjoy a little spring skiing. I now consider a helmet a very worthwhile insurance investment. I am grateful to be alive and grateful that for many years I've worn a helmet while skiing. I never thought I would need its protection, but glad I had it when I needed it!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Life Returning to Normal
This week I had a followup with Dr. Birgfeld at Harborview in Seattle. Recovery seems on track and I got the okay to resume some of my normal activities. So Thursday I flew to San Francisco for some professional meetings held Friday and then returned home late Friday night. Flights did not seem to bother my crushed sinus, for which I am grateful, but I was more fatigued than usual by the travel, but Dr. Birgfeld said that was to be expected.
After relaxing (recovering) Saturday, we all went up last night to see Brian participate in the Rail Jam at Mission Ridge ski resort. They had made a HUGE quarter pipe that was fun to see him and others do aerial tricks. Other obstacles to bump, leap, flip over, etc were set up as well. I did notice that the hardware in my face and/or lack of circulation resulted in my cheek feeling quite cold (but on a positive note, I could tell that it felt cold!) so I had to go inside periodically to get the cheek feeling more normal.
I'll attach a photo from this morning before church. I don't think I'm going to scare any children there today with my looks. Okay, no more than are usually scared after looking at me!
I am very grateful for the rapidity of my recovery. I feel greatly blessed by the faith and prayers of many. I credit the care and skill of the surgeons who worked on me. Some I meet comment that they can't even tell I've had an accident looking at me. Motor function to the lip is returning and sensation is improving still. I can close my left eye without hard exertion today for the first time. Nice to be able to relax my eyes and right and left eyelids close.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
With Dr. Birgfeld
Met today at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle with Dr. Craig Birgfeld, the surgeon who put me back together, for followup. Healing is proceeding normally. He anticipates that motor and sensory function should gradually return to normal over about the next year. Improvements will likely be noticeable month to month rather than day to day as at present.
Today I was able to make the left corner of my mouth move up and out a little bit--much better than the complete paralysis that I had been experiencing. He said that I could resume driving if I could see clearly in the mirrors (I can) and could begin to resume normal activities, but should be aware that I will tire more easily during the healing process. I was instructed to massage the scars in the eyelids so that the lids would more easily move to the correct positions and so that they would not thicken in the areas of the scars.
I was happy tonight to be able to meet with my Boy Scouts for the first time since the accident. I am scoutmaster and it was a pleasure to be back with the boys. We'll be doing lots of hiking again this summer, so I am glad I will be recovered from surgery prior to that. I'll know life is returning to normal when my face doesn't hurt any more.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
It Was a Good Day
Yesterday was a good day.
I was able to work in light duty tasks at the office from 7:30 until about 4:00 when I finally ran out of steam and Mary came to pick me up and take me home. I got a lot accomplished and it was nice to feel productive again.
Two of my assistants early in the day examined my face noted that my eyelids didn't touch when I thought I was closing my eyes--that would explain why my tear film seemed to be inconsistent and my vision somewhat blurred once I started being able to see out when the swelling let me actually open enough to see. My eyelid swelling had reduced enough more by the end of the day that my eyelids could touch each other. Once that happened, my vision cleared remarkably.
This morning it is a little cloudy again--probably overdid it a little yesterday and am swollen in the eye a bit more today, but I am encouraged at the progress. I have a followup appointment with the surgeon tomorrow and have a whole page of questions for him about when I can resume more activities, work my mouth to open wider, eat more than soft foods, drive again, and a host of other questions.
I am very grateful for the thoughts and prayers many have offered on my behalf. I feel greatly blessed in consequence of your love and faith. I thank you.
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