There is about a centimeter missing that has been displaced downward into the sinus. By the time the cheekbone is moved laterally about another 5mm to the appropriate position, the defect in the floor of the orbit would be 1.5 cm so rather than using an autologous graft which would involve the risk and morbidity of a donor site in my hip, he'll use an allograft. Using the allograft avoids that, the titanium mesh assists with osseointegration and will likely provide greater stability. I guess this material is kind of like plastic surgeon spackle paste except they use it for bone defects rather than sheet-rock defects.
I appear to have sustained multiple fractures on the left side of my face: four fractures involving the zygoma and it's attachment to various other facial bones, a small nasal bone fracture that we will likely leave unreduced, fractures of the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus, anterior wall of the maxillary sinus, and medial wall of the maxillary sinus impinging toward the nasal septum, the medial aspect of the orbit and the floor of the orbit.
Surgery is scheduled Thursday morning. I will be Dr. Birgfeld's first case of the day. He said no contact sports or skiing for 6-8 weeks after surgery.
Wow, that was a lot of medical jargon. Good luck with surgery!
ReplyDeleteI hope the surgeon's drywall patches are better than mine! And I guess the contact sports ban rules out any fishing with Tom...
ReplyDeleteI wear a helmet anytime I go fishing with Rick. He can't quite control his double-haul. Add some split shot to his line and it is a life threatening situation!
ReplyDeleteRob, let us know if you need anything while here.
ReplyDeleteYou know Rob, this could be a great opportunity. Plastic surgeon, a little face job, and you could be made to look just like Tom. Then you both could take turns skipping work and going fishing (or skiing). When Mary or Elisabeth had suspicions and called the office to see if you were at work, the staff would just answer, "Uhh, I think so?"