Monday, February 21, 2011

Pruning Ninja!

With my face hurting in the cold (circulation and innervation not normal yet) I had to put the balaclava up to the edge of my eye to cover my cheek. On the bright side, there is enough innervation returning to the cheek that I could tell it hurt in the cold! Eyes also don't tolerate the bright sunlight either currently so I had to wear sunglasses. The kids said I looked like a Ninja pruning the trees at home and at the office over the President's Day Saturday and Monday. I had to stay home and prune while the rest of the family went up to ski the new snow at Mission Ridge. Wish I were there! (but glad I was able to get the pruning done much earlier than I usually do and the days were wonderful for it.)

This photo is how my face appears today. Muscle function has returned to almost normal in the lip so it elevates into a smile rather than a sneer. Little by little improvement is occurring. I went to Arlberg Sports today to purchase a new ski helmet so I'll be ready come March 31 to head up to Mission Ridge and enjoy a little spring skiing. I now consider a helmet a very worthwhile insurance investment. I am grateful to be alive and grateful that for many years I've worn a helmet while skiing. I never thought I would need its protection, but glad I had it when I needed it!


  1. You look so much better!!! It must be nice to be able to do 'stuff' again.

  2. Looking good Rob. You needed a new helmet anyway!

  3. It's a red helmet right? I'll never find you otherwise!

  4. Sorry Heather, the helmet is not red. Maybe we can paint a red "X" on the back of it. Maybe that isn't a good idea...Someone might think that is where they are supposed to hit it????? We can just dip it in red paint and make the whole thing red.

    Mom (Mary)
